Secondary Gain In Psychology – [NLP Techniques]

Secoday gain

What Is Secondary Gain Secondary gain, as it relates to medical diagnosis is defined as the benefits that a person receives relative (secondary) to an injury or illness.  The injury or illness may or may not be legitimate. One example of secondary gain is a person involved in an auto accident who has a potential lawsuit against a negligent party.  The more severe the injury, the greater the value of the lawsuit. Some exaggerate their physical condition for the purpose of appearing more injured than they actually are with a specific intention. There are different types of secondary gain but

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Cognitive Brain Therapy | Benefits of Meditation on the Brain

Meditation Alters Cognitive Brain Function/ Benefits of Meditation on the Brain The most universal forms of meditation evolved from the spiritual cultures of Hinduism and Buddhism which can be traced to around  1500 BCE.   Over the course of time, meditation practices and techniques have been interpreted by the cultures in which they were introduced. There exists a great diversity of technique but the results of meaningful meditation, in every form, maintain a common denominator. The advancement of medicine has allowed researchers to study the benefits of meditation in the brain as never before, and the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly evident

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